The Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Criminal Justice

This week especially, we observe the life of the great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The day should serve as a stark reminder that we must continue to fight against many of the same injustices that Dr. King did. A substantial portion of these injustices acutely manifest themselves in the criminal justice system. As such, we must continue to focus on bail reform, ending the mass incarceration of minorities, evening the criminal justice playing field by instituting better discovery provisions, appointing Judges who come from and understand the dynamics of the communities they preside over, helping prisoners obtain education so they may readjust to life after prison, enacting true expungement mechanisms to remove the life-long handicap of certain criminal convictions and allow for second chances, and more… Much of Dr. King’s Dream has yet to be realized. We all must do our part to ensure that justice is applied equally. Today we should reflect upon and honor everything Dr. King stood for, as well as ask ourselves how we can participate in fulfilling every aspect of his dream. -The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo.